Margate Pride believe in creating an inclusive and accessible experience for all. In the EVENT DESCRIPTION section, we encourage you to include specific details regarding various accessibility accommodations available to ensure that everyone can fully participate and enjoy the event. Please provide information on the following aspects:

BSL Interpreter: If you are providing British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation services during the event, please mention it in the description. 

Wheelchair Access: If your event venue is wheelchair accessible and offers appropriate facilities, such as ramps, elevators, or an accessible loo, please provide those details. 

Quiet Event: Some individuals may have sensory sensitivities or prefer a quiet environment. If your event offers designated quiet spaces or features low-noise activities, pop this information in the description. It allows attendees to plan their participation accordingly.

Alcohol-Free: If your event is alcohol-free or offers alcohol alternatives, we encourage you to highlight this detail. 

We also appreciate any additional information related to accessibility and inclusion that you believe is relevant for attendees.